TravelProtect with BLIS K12® | Probiotics for Travellers

TravelProtect with BLIS K12® | Probiotics for Travellers

TravelProtect with BLIS K12® is an advanced oral probiotic, scientifically developed to support your immune defences when travelling. It supports the immune defences at the gateway to your body - the mouth and throat, against airborne ailments when travelling.

Sale price$25.99

Specifically formulated for travellers, this high-strength probiotic supports the immune defences against airborne ailments.​


• TravelProtect with BLIS K12® is an advanced oral probiotic, scientifically developed to support your immune defences when travelling. It supports the immune defences at the gateway to your body - the mouth and throat, against airborne ailments when travelling. • BLIS K12®, is developed from a special strain of beneficial bacteria called Streptococcus salivarius K12 (BLIS K12®) that is found to occur naturally in the mouths & throats of healthy adults and children. While everyone has these bacteria in their oral cavity, very few (2-5%) have high enough quantities of this specific strain to be effective. ​

Founded in NZ
Pregnancy Safe
Fridge Free
Immune Support

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Julie Bentley
First time no sore throat while travelling

I have ALWAYS had a sore throat within 48 hours of travelling by plane - even small trips within NZ. I was recommended to try TravelProtect and... NO sore throat! Used for 2 very long-haul legs so far and very impressed. Definitely recomment.

Leigh Mason
My secret for air travel

If you gave a purchase voucher attached to Air New Zealand tickets people would find how great travel bliss is. What’s the value of having a cold for several days when you’re on holiday or business. Maybe a travel care pack. I used to travel a lot and swear by the benefits it gives. Companies should automatically issue to any staff flying if they want best performance from their staff.

Murray Walker

An excellent and essential product for any travel - I use it for every trip and have never picked up an illness on an aircraft.

Rosemary Beatson
This works!

Amazing stuff. All the rest of the travelling companions ended up with covid and I stayed well!

Kevin Price

Need more time but hopefully it is worth the investment. We will know in 2 weeks time when we return home.

An image of a woman smiling and making a heart shape gesture.

Why choose blis?

Here at BLIS we've decided to get back to basics, think of this like a BLIS 101 class, focusing on our core and pioneering products - oral probiotics, or probiotics for the mouth and throat.

Keep reading if you'd like to learn more about what oral probiotics are, how they work, and most importantly how you can benefit from them.

Backed by science

BLIS Probiotics champions healthy mouths for all through their innovative, scientifically developed and researched probiotics for the mouth and throat.

BLIS Probiotics are leaders when it comes to applying the science of​ probiotics to the mouth and throat by adding the good bacteria in to crowd out and target the harmful bacteria.

Frequently Asked Questions

Glad you asked! BLIS is an acronym for Bacteriocin-Like Inhibitory Substances - and the core of our science and advanced probiotics.

Probiotics are good bacteria that have been characterised for their beneficial properties. They work by rapidly reproducing and crowding out any bad bacteria. You might be familiar with probiotics aimed to maintain a good balance in the gut, but your gut is not the only place that has a microbiome worth keeping in balance.

Advanced probiotics are slightly different in that they also provide the benefit of producing bacteriocins (small proteins) that are inhibitory against other bacteria species. So, not only do they crowd out the bad bacteria, they inhibit them with bacteriocins.

However, not all probiotic strains can do this. BLIS K12 and BLIS M18 are both advanced probiotics strains that utilise Streptococcus salivarius, which means that they have this additional capability.

Streptococcus salivarius is a species of spherical, gram-positive, facultative anaerobic bacteria that is both catalase and oxidase negative. S. salivarius colonises (usually in chains) the mouth and upper respiratory tract of humans just a few hours after birth, making further exposure to the bacteria harmless in most circumstances.

Some strains of S. salivarius are marketed as a probiotic for oral health. Some strains of S. salivarius are found to produce BLIS (the above-mentioned bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances) which are peptides that display interspecies inhibition.

BLIS K12 and BLIS M18 are both specific strains of Streptococcus salivarius and the core of our oral probiotics.

As noted, most probiotics are targeted towards the gut and digestive tract.

Oral probiotics, however, are those that support the mouth and throat, protecting the oral cavity (a fancy way of saying mouth, teeth, gums and throat).

BLIS K12 probiotics populate the mouth and throat with good bacteria, crowding out the bad. In science terms – this is known as ‘bacterial interference’.

By creating a forcefield, oral probiotics can support mouth and throat health. BLIS K12 is also used in our FreshBreath kits which restore the balance of good bacteria to the oral cavity and can aid bad breath and halitosis.

BLIS M18 works in a similar way but it is targeted specifically at the bad bacteria that can cause teeth and gum issues.