BLIS M18® probiotic is a specific strain of bacteria called Streptococcus salivarius M18, which is found naturally in your mouth and throat. Our scientists discovered that while everyone has Streptococcus salivarius bacteria, only a very few have the specific beneficial BLIS M18® strain which crowds out bad bacteria and increases good bacteria in the mouth.

The discovery of BLIS M18®  followed closely after the commercialisation of BLIS K12 which is the result of the life work of Professor John Tagg. You can read his story here.

BLIS M18 Pribiotics Product Range

What does BLIS M18® do?

The mouth is a constant battleground – on a daily basis, billions of invading bad bacteria attempt to displace the natural and beneficial bacteria of the mouth, teeth and gums.

Even on properly brushed teeth, the bacteria that cause tooth decay will find a place to hide. This causes a change or imbalance of the normal bacteria in our mouths and can affect the health of our teeth and gums.

BLIS M18® recolonises the mouth with good bacteria that support healthy teeth and gums. It works in 2 ways:

The ‘good’ bacteria (BLIS M18® )crowd out the bad bacteria responsible for cavities.

BLIS M18® crowds out bad bacteria and discourages them from coming back. Think of it like a ‘force-field’ around your oral cavity.

Taken regularly – one or two lozenges a day – it helps maintain a healthy population of the beneficial BLIS M18® bacteria in the mouth. For children, BLIS M18® can help support dental health, in adults it can help support healthy gums.

BLIS M18® does not replace your usual dental routine. It has the most benefit when used in conjunction with regular brushing and flossing.

How does BLIS M18® work?

BLIS M18® is best taken at night, after brushing and flossing teeth. BLIS M18® bacteria activates in the mouth where conditions are moist and warm. At night, the mouth produces less saliva which provides the ideal time for BLIS M18® to colonise. 

The longer BLIS M18® is in your mouth, the better the colonisation will be, and the more the bad bacteria can be crowded out. That’s why a slowly sucked lozenge is recommended.

What is BLIS M18® Probiotic? 

BLIS M18® Probiotics are a specific strain of bacteria, called the Streptococcus salivarius M18. This specific bacteria is found naturally in everyone’s mouths and throats. 

Even though everybody has Streptococcus salivarius bacteria, our scientists discovered that only very few have the particular BLIS M18® strain that crowds out bad bacteria. 

After brushing and flossing your teeth, you should take BLIS M18® at night. The bacteria found in these probiotics activates in your mouth, where the conditions are warm and moist. Your mouth produces less saliva at night making it the ideal time to take BLIS M18®.

The longer BLIS M18® is in your mouth, the better the colonisation will be and the bad bacteria will make its way out of your mouth. For the BLIS M18® probiotic to work efficiently, it is recommended to slowly suck on the lozenge for the best results.

Benefits of BLIS M18® Probiotic

There are benefits to taking the BLIS M18®.

Recolonises Your Mouth With Good Bacteria

BLIS M18® supports healthy gums and teeth by restoring good bacteria in your mouth. The good bacteria, which is the BLIS M18®, crowd out the bad bacteria that are responsible for giving you cavities. 

BLIS M18® also crowds out bad bacteria, and discourages them from coming back. It is almost like a force field around your oral cavity.

Helps Crowd Out The Bad Bacteria Responsible For Dental Cavities in Children

BLIS M18® can be given to children, as well as adults. When given to children, BLIS M18® probiotics help support by crowding out the bad bacteria responsible for dental cavities.

Supports Healthy Gums 

BLIS M18® helps support healthy gums in adults. You should take BLIS M18® regularly, one or two lozenges daily, to maintain a healthy population of beneficial bacteria in your mouth. By incorporating BLIS M18® into your regular brushing and flossing schedule, you will receive greater benefits. BLIS M18® does not replace your typical dental routine.

Supports Healthy Teeth

BLIS M18® probiotics help support healthy teeth by crowding out the bad bacteria responsible for tooth decay. Tooth decay occurs when bacteria create a sticky layer of plaque over your teeth. The plaque damages your teeth’s surface over time. 

Tooth decay can form from a build-up of bad bacteria and cause tiny openings or holes in your teeth, called cavities. BLIS M18® will help crowd out the bad bacteria and maintain a healthy amount of good bacteria in your mouth to support healthy teeth.

Enhances Your Usual Brushing and Flossing Experience

Using the BLIS M18® probiotic enhances your usual brushing and flossing experience. While typical brushing and flossing help prevent gum disease and tooth decay, adding these probiotics to your daily routine can have a more beneficial impact on your oral health. 

Slowly sucking on a BLIS M18® probiotic every day will support your dental health even more than regular brushing and flossing. 

BLIS M18® will maintain a healthy amount of bacteria in your mouth to ensure that there are no bacteria hiding in your gums and teeth.