Stay healthy this summer with probiotics

Stay healthy this summer with probiotic supplements

We have all suffered with summer ills and chills, there is nothing worse. It’s a beautiful day outside and you are feeling under the weather when you should be enjoying summer activities. Yes, unfortunately we are still susceptible even in summer!

There are several reasons why some people become susceptible during summer because of overdoing things - which can then lead to a weaker immune system.

The lead into Christmas can be an extremely busy time at work, with deadlines and long hours. Add the festive season socialising and traveling back and forth into the mix and you have the perfect combination for becoming run down.

Another aspect that can come into play is overtraining in our endeavours to get in shape for summer. Too much training can deplete important nutrients, resulting in low energy levels and also a weakened immune system. It’s important during high levels of training that you eat a healthy well-balanced diet that supplies you with enough diverse nutrients and energy to offset the energy you're burning off during training.

People who are trying to lose weight and throwing themselves into a fitness regime without eating the appropriate food can become especially susceptible to burning out and picking up unwelcome bugs.

Running smoothly with UltraBLIS probiotics

A well-functioning healthy immune system is a balancing act for your body. If your immune system is not well supported, it may not respond fast enough when faced with immune threats. However, your body also needs to support and respond to the demands of living a fast-paced lifestyle, often redirecting energy and resources that otherwise would be used for immune defences. This tug of war means we sometimes need to help our bodies by providing extra support – bolstering our good bacteria is a good place to start.


UltraBLIS Immune Support Probiotics Supplements
UltraBLIS uses a unique combination of probiotic strains that build good bacteria in the oral and the gut microbiomes, supporting your immune defences. These strains are;


  • BLIS K12: a scientifically tested strain that naturally occurs in the oral cavity to provide specific immune support at the gateway to the body - the mouth and throat.
  • HOWARU® Bifido HN019: a scientifically tested strain that provides essential immune-supporting bacteria to the gut.
  • La-14®: A highly tested gut strain that plays an important role in human health and immune system support.

With a combined bacterial count of 5.5 billion CFU/lozenge, UltraBLIS probiotics are all about the highest quality strains. Not billions of useless bacteria.

Buy UltraBLIS Probiotics

Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional. BLIS Technologies Ltd, Dunedin.

TAPS Approval No: PP6841


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